Mullein Side Effects

Mullein Side Effects
Mullein does have so many health benefits for us. Mullein can be processed as mullein leaf tea and taken regularly to get the benefits. But some people have allergies to certain substances so it is not recommended to consume mullein. Here are some side effects of mullein.
Mullein plants have many very useful ingredients and contain several active compounds. The active compounds contained in mullein plants include: mucilage, flavonoids, volatile oils, tannins and triterpenoids saponins.

Side Effects of Mullein Leaf
The most common and common side effect of mullein is sedation or inflammation of the skin. Basically, Mullein is a very safe herb for consumption even during pregnancy and breastfeeding. However, there are reports that link the emergence of contact dermatitis and loss of potassium from the body due to mullein. Sometimes, side effects are triggered because of the use of mullein leaves mixed with other drugs, whether prescribed by the doctor or not. Therefore, it is important to consult a doctor before using herbal remedies to know the side effects on patients because the condition of the body of each person is different.

Mullein is also safe for consumption by pregnant and breastfeeding women. Consult a doctor before taking mullein during pregnancy to get a prescription according to the condition of the body.

Read also: Mullein Extract Benefits for Health

Some people experience drowsiness, dizziness, hypotension or headache as a side effect when taking mullein. If a person feels sleepy, dizziness or blood pressure drops extensively after taking the drug, then it is advisable to rest. Experts advise patients not to drink alcohol with drugs because alcohol adds to the side effects of drowsiness. Pay attention to this side effect on your body when taking mullein. Always consult a physician for specific recommendations based on your condition and health.

If your health condition has improved, you can lower the dose of mullein consumption. Some types of drugs need to be habituated or can not be stopped immediately because of the rebound effect. Please consult with your doctor for specific recommendations for the health of the body, health and other medications you may be using.

Mullein extract also related to contact dermatitis in some people. Sedative effects are sometimes higher. If you have dermatitis after taking mullein, call your doctor immediately. Mullein may make an anti-diabetic drug ineffective or interfere with diuretic drugs resulting in loss of potassium. For more serious problems, call your doctor immediately to make sure there is no negative drug interaction taking place.

Another important thing is the mullein seeds contain rotenone and coumarins that are considered harmful. So, do not consume mullein seeds.

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