Mullein Leaf Tea Recipe

Mullein Leaf Tea Recipe
Mullein plants have long been used as herbal remedies for respiratory diseases such as asthma, pneumonia, and tuberculosis. Nowadays, this plant is used as an extract to make herbal medicine. But you can still use mullein in a more practical way to get it's benefits.

Mullein tea has health benefits due to saponins: organic compounds that act as natural expectorants. Mullein removes excess mucus from the lungs, relieving the throat and other symptoms. The tea is taken from the leaves. Mullein plant grows and develops for two years. In the first year, the mullein plant is just a group of leaves close to the ground. The second year it grows high up to 1 meter.
Read also: Mullein Extract Benefits for Health

Mullein leaf tea can be used for all types of cough, but it is suitable for severe dry cough, which causes chest pain.

As expectorant that contains saponins, it can reduce nasal congestion, soothing properties that effectively calm lungs and irritated airways caused by exposure to airborne impurities.

On its surface, it seems like a very dry plant, but inside it contains mucus. This salty mucilage helps to draw water into the dry tissue. It not only wets the dry lungs, but also benefits to heal stiff joints.

Due to the effectiveness of resolving respiratory problems, the mullein leaf tea gives more amazing results, to loosen and release more phlegm.

Mullein Leaf Tea Recipe
Here's how to prepare mullein leaf tea:

  • 2 mullein leaves
  • 1-1.5 glass of water
  • 1-2 tablespoons organic honey (optional)
  • 1 teaspoon dried spearmint

You have to boil water, put the leaves into boiling water. Add spearmint sufficiently. Let it boil for 10-15 minutes, and then add the honey to enrich the taste.

This beneficial tea will help you treat all kinds of breathing problems and colds, and will also reduce the pain and out of breath due to chronic respiratory problems. It is also advisable to inhale steam from the mullein tea, as this may help with nasal congestion.

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